lifestyle stabbed your heart

     This organ has been working since humans are still in the womb. But now, a major impact on lifestyle diseases that attack the fist-sized organ.

Almost every work breaks, Iskandar (35 years) always choose the menu becomes meat. Offal mixed with a hot thick sauce, always a favorite dish at lunch time. During this time he admitted that he had never had complaints about his health, although his performance was relatively obese. But the past week, he felt chest tightness and wheezing when breathing must climb the stairs of his house. Complaints are submitted to his brother who is a doctor. Then, after examination, it is known that Alexander suffered from symptoms of cholesterol and heart disease. Luckily, this disease has been detected before any attacks are more severe and can cause death.
Indeed, cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in Indonesia for ages 40 to 50 years. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Organization of the World Heart Federation (World Heart Federation) predict that heart disease will be the main cause of death in Asian countries in 2010.
As a fan of foods high in cholesterol, Alexander does have a risk of developing coronary heart disease. The disease attacks the blood vessels and can cause heart attacks. Heart attack due to clogged arteries, which blocks the heart of the distribution of oxygen and nutrients.
According to doctors Hananto Andriantoro, SpJP, FIHA, cardiologists and blood vessels of the Heart Hospital Panti Rapih, when cardiac work increased as a result of increased blood pressure and heart rate goes up. The occurrence of this can be due to being excited, anxious, shocked, exercise or stress. Automatic heart work harder and need more oxygen. Oxygen is carried by red blood cells through the coronary arteries of heart. "Well, if oxygen is blocked due to channel congestion, resulting in coronary heart disease and can cause death," he explained.
There is another risk that threatens the male virility when pudendal arteries leading to clogged or damaged genitals. The result can be fatal, permanent erectile dysfunction can happen. Because of this the blood vessels that drain blood during an erection. "We recommend that everyone who experienced this should be open to the physician. Just because of this taboo issue, and then choose to treat themselves with herbs or other powerful herbs that have not been clear results.
Complication fact could happen," the message Hananto doctor.
Based on the results of the study Professor of UI, Prof.Dr. Dede Kusmana in 2005, noted 99 percent of heart disease is indeed caused by changes in patterns and lifestyles. Changes that make people less active, eat fatty foods and high cholesterol, smoking and stress. This is what can trigger the emergence of the risk of heart disease.
But that does not mean you should not consume fatty foods at all. Fat are both needed, even essential for the structure and function of every cell in the human body. Fat is the "fuel" that gives you two times more energy than other foods. Fat stored in the body also serves as an energy storage bank. Fat is insulation material that protects you from damaging cold. Fat is also covering the nerves of the body. A good type of fat is called HDL (high density lipoproteins). He can help eliminate the harmful cholesterol and that of unwanted blood vessels. So the function also prevents heart attacks.
Hananto doctor suggested, to balance between eating patterns are still not meet the nutritional balance, should do the exercise. Portion of the exercise routine at least three times a week, can help burn fat accumulated in the body. Treadmill for half an hour can increase the optimal heart rate.
In addition to exercise, the best way to prevent exposure to risk of heart disease by replacing a healthy diet. One food that is friendly to your heart are foods that contain whole grains. Because it has fiber, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This is supported by the study physician Luc Djousse, from Harvard Medical School, United States, which declared the results of his studies at the American Heart Association's annual forum. Research results revealed the positive benefits of whole grain cereal is also felt by adults. Cereal made of wheat or grain dad is rich in fiber that effectively lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. While avoiding a heart attack.
To find out if our blood vessels becomes blocked or narrowed, with early detection can be cardiovascular. Easy steps, performed by looking at blood vessels in the neck. Through ultrasound can be known, if there is thickening of more than 1 millimeter (normal) then do the treatment. Because if this happens, indicates coronary arteries and other blood vessel thickening occurs. So, forbid before he stopped.


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