Guess what the main topics discussed are generally young mothers? Yes yes, weight problems! How to streamline the body after giving birth, what diet can lose weight quickly, and so on. Most young mothers are so desperate to have children if the body be stretched.
This is the wrong diet Naturally, if you as a young mother who wants to look slim. The body is slender indeed pleasing to the eye. But wait! Do not engage in indiscriminate diet, because you might become brittle bones later in life. This definitely do not want.
• Free milk or no milk diet diet. Diet with "hostile" milk is done by those who argue that, to achieve successful results, milk and other dairy products must be removed from the menu list!
When in fact just the opposite! Eating foods made from raw milk rich in calcium (Ca), will actually help reduce and prevent obesity. This has been proven more than 20 research. Recent research reported in Obese Research Journal, April 2004 edition of the menu shows that consumption of high levels of calcium in the form of milk and other dairy products as much as two times a day, will reduce the risk of obesity by 70%.
From the results of the research also proved that the consumption of calcium from milk or dairy products like low-fat cheese, will help the process of burning fat in the body. Other research shows that a diet with high calcium levels of menus (using yogurt), significantly decreased body weight.
• Tiger diet. Diets that only eat meat this is definitely the wrong way. From research conducted by Dr.. And Dr LM Klevay. Wildman REC and reported in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 16 issue in 2000, found that a diet of meat will make the body copper and zinc deficiency. Consequently, the femur 23% more fragile and weak.
On this, dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MSc., MS, doctors from the clinic nutritionist "Nutrifit" explains, "high-protein diets such as the tiger diet, can reduce calcium levels in the body. Therefore, the increased protein that would increase spending metabolized calcium through the urine. "
Do not sacrifice your bones!Clearly, the wrong diet can cause the body to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. "In fact, these two kinds of nutrients needed to allow the body metabolism running smoothly, including the absorption of calcium," said dr. Fiastuti.
Lifelong and continuous, the bones in our body will experience the process of decline and renewal or reconstruction. This update process can only take place properly when the body receives the vitamins and minerals as needed.
If the consumption of vitamins and minerals for bone maintenance processes are not being met due to a wrong diet, then your body will take it from the bones to make the process of metabolism in the blood. In this way, then the metabolism in your body can keep going. If this condition occurs continuously over the years, and you do not take calcium because of wrong diet, over time the bones become fragile and porous.
Osteoporosis is going to occur more quickly if you exercise less, rarely exposed to sunlight, and have a habit of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. That's why, dr. Fiastuti asserted, "Never go on a diet with no armed with correct knowledge of nutrition, without the supervision of a physician or a nutritionist?"
Consultation with your doctor The process of formation of bone density has been started since our childhood. After that, its density will continue to grow and eventually reduced. So, if when your teen is "hostile" milk, now do not ever think of doing tiger diet! You can be sure your bones will become fragile in a relatively short time.
In addition to proper diet, get used to also consume as much calcium 800-1200 mg / day. This is an average requirement of adult women in general. Needs can be met, among others, by consuming cow's milk, soy milk, yogurt, cheese, fish (especially salmon and sardines), nuts, broccoli, clams and other varieties of green vegetables.
"Diet is really really easy, really!" Said dr. Fiastuti. "Just do it low-calorie diets under the supervision of a physician nutrition specialist. That way, the food you eat still contains a complete and balanced nutrition. "
This is a diet that's right Do any diet if you still want to be healthy. Better to consult a nutritionist doctor first. The important thing to remember in the diet are:
• Do not "hostile" milk and other dairy products. It's been proven that a diet by eating foods high calcium levels, it effectively lose weight. Choose low-fat milk. • Reduce the size of the meal 1 / 3 to ½ of the usual servings at each meal. • Eat foods that are high in fiber, especially from fruits and vegetables. • Avoid snacks • Eat foods low in fat, and multiply to consume fish and chicken mixed with boiled or baked, not processed by frying. • Reduce consumption of high-calorie juice. Instead, drink water. • Exercise regularly, including the exercise to train the bone. For example, jogging, carrying a rather heavy object, or carrying the load with both hands.